'Scandal' Exclusive Clip: 'Normal Is Over' for Guest Star Lisa Edelstein

The show is called "Scandal" for a reason.

When the ABC drama returns Thursday after a few weeks off, Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) has a doozy of a case on her hands. Her new client is CEO Sarah Stanner (guest star Lisa Edelstein), who's accused of having an affair with President Grant's Supreme Court justice nominee.

When Olivia and the gladiators sweep into Sarah's home, they warn her to close the blinds and take in the trash. Her husband protests that they're just "normal people."

"Normal is over. Normal ended hours ago," Olivia sternly tells them.

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"Sarah, they're going to dig up anything and everything about you they can get their hands on -- your trash, your voicemail, your bank statements, your prescription history -- it's all fair game."

Elsewhere in the gladiator-verse, Harrison and Abby struggle to repair their friendship (which was damaged when he helped Olivia fake David Rosen's abusive past), and Huck takes Quinn on as a protégé. Over at the White House, Cyrus and Mellie are still vying for Fitz's trust, but he may give it to someone else. And Jake is still hanging around to flirt with Olivia.

"Scandal" airs Thursdays at 10 PM on ABC.