10 tools to beat the homework battle

Travel desk
Travel desk

Back-to-school means back to the homework battle. Every afternoon it’s the same thing: Kids trying to squeeze homework in between sports practice, music lessons, and dinner. If you’ve got teenagers, you know that they’ve got even heavier homework loads—as well as part-time jobs, drama practice, or sports commitments, and a social life!

But, just like we gave you tools to help you beat the morning rush, we’ve got some great tools and tips to help you and your kids achieve victory over the homework battle. Here’s how to get that homework done so you and your family can enjoy your evenings together.

One of the best ways to get homework done and out of the way is to start it as soon as your kids climb into the car for the drive home from school. Give them a few minutes to share the highlights of their day with you, and then see how much homework your kids can get done before you arrive at your next destination, whether it’s home, ballet class, or soccer.

Your kids need a good tool to help them get their work done in a moving car. For younger kids, consider the Great Plains Car Play Tray Table - Portable Back Seat Travel Lap Desk ($20). This sturdy hanging desk fits over the back of any seat that has a headrest and a seat pocket, and is designed to give kids a space to work as you drive. It even includes pockets that you can load up with pencils, crayons and other elementary-school homework essentials.

Lap desk
Lap desk

Or, invest in a lap desk that travels easily from the car to the couch. A good lap desk gives kids a hard surface on which to complete their homework while freeing up the kitchen table for dinner preparation—and if kids are doing their homework on lap desks in the living room, it is easy to keep track of who’s getting work done and who’s getting distracted!

Younger kids might enjoy the Lap Desk with Removable Pillow, Your Choice Character ($11.06), which features popular characters from Batman, Monster High, and more. Many of the popular character designs go out of stock, so check back if they don’t have the character you want.


Lap desk
Lap desk

For older kids, there’s the Three Cheers For Girls! Faux Leather Lap Desk ($33) or the Smart Technologies The Smart Dudes Dry-Erase Lap Desk ($25). These lap desks support laptops as well as notebooks—not to mention tablets, calculators, and nearly any other homework tool required.

Dry erase lap desk
Dry erase lap desk

If your child has trouble keeping track of necessary homework supplies, solve the problem with the Dial Storage Folding Lap Desk ($25). This lap desk has storage space for paper, pens and more right under the lid. Help your child keep track of necessary supplies by always putting them right back into the lap desk!

Carry-All art caddy
Carry-All art caddy

A lot of kids keep pencils and other homework tools in their backpacks, but it is also a good idea to keep spares around the house—as well as other homework tools like safety scissors and glue for the little kids, and rulers and protractors for the older ones. Make these tools easy to find and use by stashing them all in a handheld caddy.

The Carry-all Art Caddy ($6.39) has multiple compartments that are perfect for crayons, glue, safety scissors and more. Kids can also decorate and personalize the caddy with stickers—and siblings can take ownership of their own supplies by storing them in their individual, custom-decorated homework caddy.

Wooden caddy
Wooden caddy

There are a lot of cute homework caddies on Pinterest, so use those designs for inspiration. If you see the cute painted wooden caddies and want to paint your own, get yourself the KidKraft Toy Caddy ($39.99) and start making it Pinterest-ready!

Time Tracker Classroom and Homework Timer
Time Tracker Classroom and Homework Timer

Now that you’ve outfitted your kids with lap desks and organizational tools, how do you actually make sure the homework gets done? One method is to set a timer that lets kids know when it is time to work and when it is time to take a break. The Time Tracker Classroom and Homework Timer ($39.99) uses different colors to count down the minutes and makes fun noises when it is time to stop working.

Getting Things Done : The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
Getting Things Done : The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Teens, on the other hand, often need a more sophisticated organizational system to keep track of their multiple assignments and commitments. There are many productivity techniques out there, but my favorite is David Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity ($10.22). Learning David Allen’s techniques literally changed my life, and they might empower your teen to better manage his or her busy schedule. (If you feel like you are also overwhelmed with assignments and commitments, borrow their copy.)

Sentey headphones with mic
Sentey headphones with mic

Lastly: There’s a lot of research out there to suggest that wearing headphones helps people focus. Listening to music (especially music without lyrics) can help motivate your kids to keep working and stay on task.

Other kids have a hard time working in the presence of other noise, whether it is music or family chatter. If that sounds like your child, try the Sentey Headphones ($14). Available in four colors, these kid-friendly headphones are designed to block out noise and provide a quiet environment in which kids can concentrate.


Yahoo readers, what are your own tips and tricks for helping your kids beat the homework battle? Leave your tips in the comments section below.