10 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Stroke

Boost your odds.

In the time it takes to read these first few slides, someone in the United States will have a stroke. Every 40 seconds -- that's about how often they occur, according to the American Heart Association. And every four minutes -- the time it takes to get through most of this slideshow -- that's about how often someone in the U.S. dies of a stroke. And the thing is, 80 percent of strokes can be prevented. Here's how:

Control high blood pressure.

About a third of American adults have hypertension, which is the leading cause of stroke. To help keep it under control, regularly monitor your blood pressure numbers on your own, and work with a doctor to plan goals and medication use. An active lifestyle and healthy diet go a long way to lower blood pressure, too.

Stop smoking.

Chances are, it's no news to smokers that those little cigarettes do major damage to their bodies. In terms of stroke, smoking robs the blood of oxygen, forcing the heart to work harder and thus increasing the likelihood of blood clots. Let's scream it from the rooftops: Stop, stop, stop smoking. Doctors, pharmacists, counselors and websites like smokefree.gov can help you kick the habit.

Manage diabetes.

People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to have a stroke than people without the disease, according to the American Diabetes Association. Thorough management of diabetes is crucial for stroke prevention, and that means keeping blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check, as well as exercising and eating healthfully.

Get moving.

Lower your risk of stroke (and loads of other health issues) by logging about 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (like brisk walking) five days of the week. Sound like a lot? Consider breaking those 30 minutes into 10-minute segments, when you may walk around the office complex at lunchtime or kick a soccer ball with the kids. Choose activities you enjoy, whether it's dancing or yoga, and you're more likely to meet your goals.

Lose weight if you are obese.

Too much fat on the body increases your risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes and more. Work with your doctor to determine a healthy weight for you and a plan for getting there. That aforementioned exercise will certainly help, and so will healthy eating. Speaking of which...

Eat healthfully.

Go crazy on the fruits and vegetables. In fact, a 2004 Harvard School of Public Health study showed that folks who averaged eight or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables were 30 percent less likely to have had a heart attack or stroke than those who ate 1.5 or fewer daily servings. While fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products are encouraged, limit your intake of salt, trans fats, saturated fats and cholesterol.

Maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Another reason to exercise, maintain a healthy weight and eat nutritious foods -- each of these steps will help keep your cholesterol in check and thus lower your risk of stroke. Low-density lipoproteins, known as the "bad" cholesterol, can cause plaque to build up in arteries and potentially block blood flow to the brain. The American Heart Association recommends that all adults over age 20 get their cholesterol tested at least once every five years.

Monitor atrial fibrillation.

Atrial fibrillation (or Afib) is the most common type of irregular heartbeat, and people who have it are at a stroke risk five times greater than that of the general population. The scary part: More than 2 million Americans have Afib, but many don't know they have it. A few risk factors include age, heart disease and high blood pressure. Talk with your doctor about identifying and managing Afib if you have it and preventing it if you don't.

Be aware of other risk factors.

The more you know about your personal risk of stroke, the better you can prevent it. Understand that people with sickle cell anemia, heart and artery diseases and previous incidences of stroke, heart attack or transient ischemic attacks are more at risk of stroke. Other stroke risk factors include age, family history of stroke, race (African-Americans are more at risk of dying from stroke than Caucasians) and gender (women are more likely to have strokes and die from them than men).

Recognize the signs of a stroke.

The acronym to remember stroke symptoms is F.A.S.T.: Face drooping or numbness (is the person's mouth uneven when you ask her to smile?), arm numbness or weakness (can she raise both arms?), speech difficulty (is her speech slurred when you ask her to repeat a phrase?) -- if you see any of these signs, it's time to immediately call 911.