13 Brilliant Weight Loss Tricks To Help You Wake Up Slimmer

We all wish for something good to happen to us overnight. But, is it really possible to achieve something nice while you enjoy a sound sleep? Well, we would say yes, if it is about weight loss! And stay there, we are not kidding at all. You definitely can lose weight, and get out of the bed every day in your slimmer and fitter avatar. All you have to do is, make certain amendments in your daily schedule. So friends, it is time make your dreams come true, literally! Just read on to know some brilliant weight loss tricks that can help you wake up slimmer every morning.

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#1. Make a pretty bed

Do not rely on your maid to do your household chores, especially for making your night bed. Do it yourself and if you are doing it, why not do it really nicely? Change the sheets, dust a little, and light some candles. This little work will not only make you happy, but will keep your body in motion as well before nap, which will help you to digest whatever you have eaten.

#2. Have a cup of antioxidants before sleeping

Before you sleep, make it a habit to drink either a cup of green tea or some other antioxidant-rich drink. This helps to flush out all the toxic waste and helps in regular bowel movement. You can just have plain warm water around 10-15 minutes before sleeping, if you do not like other things.

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#3. No protein shakes in the evening

If you work out in the evening and follow it up with a protein shake, then stop that immediately. Protein shakes are meant to be taken during the daytime. Our body does not digest proteins at night. Since you must eat after any exercise, try to grab some fruit and nuts. You can make a healthy fruit smoothie with milk as well.

#4. Night-time walk

Push yourself a little and make night-time walk a daily ritual. Do it for 10 minutes daily. Start with a low-intensity walk and gradually move towards brisk walking. These 10 minutes can do wonders for your body.

Want to put some more efforts for even quicker results? Then try these 10 Easy-To-Make Breakfast Recipes For Brides-To-Be To Achieve Flat Belly Before Wedding

#5. Make love

Yes, this is only for the committed ones. When you indulge in this fun activity, your body burns out a lot of calories. So, the next time you do this hard work, be assured of waking up slimmer the very next morning.

P.S.: You still should not skip point #4.

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#6. Take a shower to fight insomnia

If your sleeping pattern is disturbed, you will find it really difficult to lose weight. A shower helps to calm down your body while reducing its temperature. As it will make you feel relaxed, you will be able to sleep well. And, a timely and sound sleep will ensure that you do not indulge into unhealthy late night nibbles.

Make this a habit, but at the same time, also be aware of these 7 Common Hair Washing Blunders That You Might Be Making In Shower

#7. Sleep in a pitch dark room

A study by the scientists at the University of Granada suggests that sleeping in a super-dark room can also help you lose weight and wake up slimmer in the morning. Here is the logic behind this. Human body produces a hormone called, melatonin, in complete darkness. And, this hormone further helps the human body in producing a brown fat that helps in burning calories. So, make sure you switch off all the lights and sleep in complete darkness to wake up happy and lighter.

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#8. Brush your teeth

Brushing teeth at night would not only keep your gums healthy, but will help you lose weight too. When your mouth is fresh and minty, the mind senses that the meal time is over. Hence, the chances of you having hunger pangs at any point of the time get relatively lower.

#9. No midnight snacks

Well, we have already told you about avoiding them as much as possible in the previous two points. But, if your hunger is absolutely uncontrollable, then make sure you do not pick up anything unhealthy to munch. Instead, eat some dry fruits, a vegetable or a fruit.

Now that we have helped you with your weight-loss regime, you can totally focus on planning your wedding to make it an unforgettable affair. Read: 8 Most Amazing Non-Traditional Wedding Day Ideas For Modern Indian Couples

#10. Have a low-in-salt dinner

Salt leads to water retention, hence, bloating of your body. It will make you hold water weight around your waistline. While this water gets flushed away from your system when you are awake, it stays in the bloodstream during the night. So, minimise your salt intake and avoid it completely at night to wake up with a well-toned belly.

#11. Eat a light dinner

It is never advisable to skip a meal to fulfil your desire of losing weight. Instead, you can have a lighter meal, especially when it comes to your dinner. So, munch on some salad or eat a fruit, but avoid a complete meal at night so as to wake up slimmer in the morning.

Ladies, if you think it is a bit too late to rely on this guide to lose weight easily, then don’t worry. You can still dazzle on your wedding without letting those extra pounds play the spoilsport. Simply try these 9 Simple Fashion Hacks That Will Make You Look Slim Without Losing Any Weight

#12. Say no to beer

Like salt, beer leads to bloating as well. It is loaded with calories and prevents you from reaching your target weight. So, if you regularly party during late evenings, make sure you keep a check on what you drink. You can have a little (remember, only “little”) wine or champagne, but no beer as it can give you a beer belly.

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#13. Wake up early

As important as it is to sleep well at night, waking up early is equally salient. Get out of your bed early in the morning, and drink a lot of water and eat within half an hour. This will boost your metabolism and make you feel light and help you lose weight throughout the day.

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Well, now you would agree that losing weight is not really that difficult task, right? So, do not wait anymore! Just get started and get set to flaunt a fitter body in no time!