17 Best Characters in Any Metal Gear Solid Game

1. Solid Snake

The product of cloning, our hero Solid Snake saved the world from terrorist attacks in Shadow Moses throughout the events of Metal Gear Solid 4. Solid Snake is firmly entrenched as one of the great video game heroes.

2. Revolver Ocelot

Ocelot's a hard character to put a finger on. A spy for not only the President, but the Patriots as well. Ocelot was best portrayed in Metal Gear Solid 3 as a young, cocky soldier yet to discover his Revolver ways.

3. Big Boss

Quite simply, there is no Metal Gear without Big Boss. Solid Snake's dad, Naked Snake, saved the world in Metal Gear Solid 3 and then shocked the world by returning in the 4th entry. Big Boss will return in Metal Gear Solid 5

4. Liquid Snake

Solid Snake's genetically engineered brother was vanquished by his brother in the original Metal Gear Solid, however, he returned -- sort of -- living vicariously in the arm of Ocelot.

5. The Boss

The mother of Ocelot, The Boss; "defection" from the United States in the '60s was the basis behind Metal Gear Solid 3.

6. Otacon

Otacon is the brains and right hand man to Solid Snake. Also known as Hal Emmerich, he joined Snake during the Shadow Moses incident and his estranged sister was killed in the Metal Gear Solid 2.

7. Sniper Wolf

A decorated sniper and member of of FOXHOUND. In Metal Gear Solid, Wolf is Otacon's love interest, and she's defeated by Solid Snake in an epic sniper battle.

8. Psycho Mantis

Another member of FOXHOUND, Pyscho Mantis was one of the most fun boss battles in Metal Gear Solid. With his mind-reading ability, Mantis has no trouble seeing your attack strategy.

9. Gray Wolf / Cyborg Ninja

Frank Jaeger, or Gray Wolf, was thought to be dead in the previous Metal Gear game, but Wolf returns in the form as a cyborg ninja in Metal Gear Solid. Jaeger returns in the climactic finale to save Solid Snake in his showdown with Metal Gear Rex.

10. Meryl Silverburgh

Meryl is Colonel Campbell's daughter and the victim of a brutal attack by Sniper Wolf that brought her within inches of losing her life. Meryl returned as the leader of FOXHOUND in Metal Gear Solid 4.

11. Raiden

Fans of the series were surely confused when, after the prologue, Raiden becomes the main character in "MGS2." Let's just say reaction wasn't necessarily positive, but Hideo Kojima, the creator of Metal Gear Solid made a concerted effort to turn Raiden into a badass in "Metal Gear Solid 4. Mission accomplished.

12. Solidus Snake

The 43rd President of the United States in the Metal Gear timeline, Solidus is the brother of Liquid and Solid and the antagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2.

13. The Sorrow

You never directly battle The Sorrow in Metal Gear Solid 3, but he was able to interact and control the dead in a very creepy Metal Gear fight.

14. Vamp

Vamp was almost impossible to defeat in Metal Gear, and even withstood a gunshot to the head! Oh, also: He had super strength and speed, and could run on water.

15. Roy Campbell

Campbell is the commanding officer in the first Metal Gear Solid, and makes a conspicuous role in the sequel after the Patriots used A.I. to emulate the Shadow Moses event for Raiden.

16. Vulcan Raven

In Metal Gear Solid Raven loses to Snake (twice), once in a tank (!) and the other with a huge machine gun. Say what you want, Raven made you work in the bitter cold.

17. The End

In Metal Gear Solid 3, the legendary sniper could go a week or two without any food, so I hope you've got patience when taking him on. The end.

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