2 Kenyans charged at international court with crimes against humanity form political alliance

NAIROBI, Kenya - Two prominent Kenyans facing crimes against humanity charges at the International Criminal court have formed a political alliance to run for the presidential and vice-presidential seats in the country's March election.

Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and former minister William Ruto announced the alliance Sunday at a political rally in the western city of Nakuru. Kenyatta, the son of Kenya's founding father, would run for president and Ruto for vice-president.

Kenyatta faces charges of committing murder, forcible deportation, persecution and rape against supporters of the prime minister after the 2007 election. More than 1,000 people died in postelection violence that broke out from disputes over who had won the presidential post.

Ruto has been charged with the murder, forcible deportation and persecution of supporters of the president's party.