4 Awkward Things Managers Don't Want to Call Out -- But Should

Who knew that with the promotion, spiffy new business cards and ceremonious LinkedIn update, your management position would also come with Bill's terrible grammar that someone (who, me?) should probably talk to him about. Or the fact that the intern talks like a valley girl, Joe calls the young secretary "kiddo"and Debbie is griping about every client and demoralizing the whole lot of them. And they report to you. So, yes, you have to say something.

Sometimes the most uncomfortable conversations managers have with their employees aren't about performance, but about seemingly small and personal behaviors. Below, four experts describe four uncomfortable behaviors and how managers should address them:

The problem: vile vocabulary

Jill Geisler, leadership expert and author of "Work Happy: What Great Bosses Know," says it can be difficult for managers to speak up to employees who say words that aren't illegal or listed as no-no's in the company manual, but nonetheless "cause discomfort or conflict." She paints the picture: "There's the male employee who routinely refers to women as 'girls.' The veteran who calls young staffers 'kiddo.' The employee who criticizes an idea or action as 'retarded.' Meanwhile, other staffers cringe."

Why you've got to say something: These words can make others on the team uncomfortable, embarrassed and angry -- not the makings for a healthy work environment.

Just say it: "The speaker may be a good contributor in many other ways, so the manager's response needs to be carefully framed," Geisler says. "Instead of a whack on the head, it's a word to the wise." Here's Geisler's example of how a manager could address the issue: "In the meeting this morning, you mentioned how 'retarded' you felt after making a mistake. 'Retarded' is a powerful word. Imagine how powerful it is to anyone who loves someone with Down syndrome. You're a strong member of this team, so I owe it to you to bring this up. I don't think you meant any harm, and I'm pretty confident you'll choose a better option next time."

Geisler points out that it's sometimes easy to peg managers as "thought police" when they call out issues of word choice. "But done with care, it can benefit everyone," she says. "And if you're consistently generous with feedback of all kinds, especially the positive, then you'll be heard as a coach, not a corrections officer."

The problem: Debbie is, well, a downer.

Cameron Morrissey, author of "The 7 Deadly Sins of Leadership" and "The Manager's Diary: Thinking Outside the Cubicle," describes employees who are "absolutely amazing at their job" but give a bit of an Eeyore vibe. "They feel the need to complain about every customer they dealt with right after they hung up the phone," he says. "Or perhaps they would see fit to expound on their 'glass half-empty' views every chance they got."

Why you've got to say something: "It's critical that you manage for a positive work environment just as much as you manage processes," he says. "By leaving excessive negativity unchecked, you make it difficult for anyone in the general vicinity of the staff member to get positive momentum going, which inhibits teamwork, innovation and overall productivity."

Just say it: "Start out from a position of personal concern," he says. "I want to know if there is anything going on in the workplace that is causing them frustration or discomfort." Morrissey then says you should explain why you're concerned and point to a few specific examples of the negative behavior. Based on his experience in the hospitality industry managing reservations departments, what typically follows is a discussion of personal and professional issues the employee is facing. "I can sympathize and support them in the personal, and in the case of the professional, I can help them through action, support or explanation," he says. "After the discussion, I take the extra step and relate to them my concern that I wanted to nip this in the bud in case it starts being noticed by co-workers."

Morrissey continues: "I always end the discussion by letting them know that I want everyone on staff to be happy in their work, and I invite them to come speak to me about anything that frustrates them, as that is why I am there."

The problem: grammar gaffes

Courtney Templin, chief operating officer of JB Training Solutions, a Chicago-based workplace training and employee development company, describes the sticky situation in which someone who reports to you speaks and writes with poor grammar.

Why you've got to say something: Templin points out that while managers may feel they're micromanaging and being nitpicky bringing up this topic, speaking up to these employees is "absolutely necessary to help them get to the next level and convey a professional image." The good news, she says, is that improved grammar "can be coached or taught fairly easily, and then employees catch on and adopt the improvements."

Just say it: "Managers can be direct and sincere and share that they want to help the employee become even more polished and buttoned-up," Templin says. "I often say something like: 'I had a manager who cared about me and coached me on these ideas as well, and I want to pass that along to you. At first, it might seem like I am being nitpicky, but it's just so you can understand our style and attention to detail." With this kind of approach, she says, "individuals are more receptive and not as defensive, because they realize that you're only trying to help and pay it forward."

The problem: unnerving upspeak

Paul McDonald, senior executive director of the specialized staffing firm Robert Half, describes upspeak as "the practice of speaking in a rising tone of apology or questioning." So you may say an affirmative statement, but the pitch of your voice becomes higher at the end. If the concept is still hazy, say this aloud: "I want a coffee." Now say: "Do you want a coffee?" Because the latter sentence is a question, your voice probably got higher at the end. While this intonation works for questions, inadvertently adding it to affirmative statements does not have a good ring to it.

Why you should say something: Regularly add that rising intonation to a coffee order, and maybe no one cares. Add it to statements about your project's progress or why you'd be perfect for the job, and you come off as pretty shaky. "It can have a devastating impact on your career," McDonald says. "It unfortunately can position someone as uncertain, insecure and weak." He points out that an upspeak habit is particularly apparent during interviews, business meetings and networking events. Plus, he adds: "Most people are not aware they have this trait, so take the time to educate and inform."

Just say it: Don't wait for a check-in or performance review, and don't give feedback on upspeak in a meeting or group setting, McDonald says. Instead, talk to the employee immediately after you notice the upspeak, say, after a meeting in which he or she made a proposal presentation. "Ask the person if he thought there was anything he would have done differently about the presentation. Wait and listen for his response," McDonald says. "Note to him that his presentation seemed to focus more on asking questions versus presenting ideas, recommendations and solutions. Without being critical, offer to role-play and practice the presentation with him before the next meeting, or suggest someone on the team who might be able to work with him."

This practice and preparedness may help ease nerves, boost confidence and, in turn, subdue the upspeak, he says. "With practice and attention, people can change their speaking style and get better results."

Laura McMullen is the Careers editor at U.S. News and was previously a Health + Wellness reporter. You can follow her on Twitter, connect with her on LinkedIn, circle her on Google+ or email her at lmcmullen@usnews.com.