4 Simple Ways You Can Celebrate World Elephant Day

4 Simple Ways You Can Celebrate World Elephant Day

Aug. 12 is World Elephant Day, a little-known holiday with the potential to make a big impact because now more than ever these animals need our help. The illegal ivory trade has surged over the last decade, decimating elephant populations worldwide. Every 15 minutes an elephant is killed for its tusks, and if it continues at this rate, elephants could disappear in our lifetime.

Don’t lose hope: Incredible organizations like The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, African Wildlife Foundation, IFAW, and others are working tirelessly to end poaching and save elephants from extinction. Celebrate World Elephant Day by taking action below and protecting these magnificent animals for future generations.

Save Elephants From Extinction

African Wildlife Foundation believes that the key to ending elephant poaching is to squash the ivory trade, and the first step is destroying the stockpiles that feed the insatiable demand. Add your name to support the foundation's work protecting elephants from extinction.

Stop the Export of Zimbabwe’s Baby Elephants

Recent reports allege that 34 elephant calves have been taken from their herds in Zimbabwe, destined for a life in captivity. Regardless of the legality of the sale, Zimbabwe’s government has the power to stop the babies from leaving the country: Join IFAW in urging Walter Mzembi, minister of tourism, and S. Kasukuwere, minister of environment, water and climate, to block the export and reunite these elephants with their families.

Feed and Care for Orphaned Baby Elephants With the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust runs the most successful orphan-elephant rescue and rehabilitation program in the world, having successfully hand-raised more than 150 infant elephants. Your gift, no matter the size, can provide lifesaving support to an orphaned elephant: Give $25 today, and you can provide a day of specialist milk for a hungry orphaned elephant.

Stand Strong for Elephants

Outside interest groups are trying to weaken the United States Fish and Wildlife’s proposed protections for African elephants, including a ban on the sale of all non-antique ivory in the U.S. Support IFAW in urging President Obama and USFWS Secretary Dan Ashe to stand strong behind these regulations and protect African elephants from the illegal ivory trade.

Related stories on TakePart:

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A Win for African Elephants: New U.S. Ivory Trade Regulations

Original article from TakePart