5 Apps to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

After the ball drops and the champagne runs dry, it’s time to think about those lofty New Year’s resolutions once again. Grand plans of shedding extra weight, saving some cash, or kicking a bad habit find their way onto countless lists. Only 8 percent of Americans keep these resolutions, which means that list might look awfully similar year after year. 

But 2015 could be different.

With the abundance of smartphone apps, there’s an easily accessible program designed to foster success for practically any goal imaginable. And given our society’s attachment to cell phones, these digital tools are likely at your fingertips at any given moment.

Lose Weight and Get In Shape With MyFitnessPal

With nearly one third of the world population overweight, shedding a few pounds tops many Americans’ priorities. MyFitnessPal is by far the most popular weight loss and fitness tracker—and with good reason. While recommending a daily nutritional intake based on age, weight, and height, it allows users to record their activity and calories. What sets this app apart is its huge catalogue of stored workouts and food options to take the guesswork out of tracking. It also syncs up with popular fitness gadgets like Fitbit and Runtastic.

Kick That Nicotine Habit for Good With Quit It Lite

Smoking rates have dropped in recent years, yet more than 480,000 Americans die annually from tobacco-related illnesses,  according  to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Quit It Lite is a motivational program that helps current smokers to ditch the deadly habit and ex-smokers to stay that way. The program focuses on all the perks a nicotine-free life provides. It tracks the amount of tar users don’t ingest and the money not spent on cigarettes. The app takes into account the amount of time a user is smoke-free to determine additional health and physical benefits.

Spend Less, Save More With Level Money

With online banking and credit cards, it’s easier than ever to check bank statements, but it’s also a lot easier to spend money. After syncing up your bank accounts, Level Money estimates income and bills. It then recommends a percentage of income to set aside for savings. It creates a simple infographic to show users how much they can afford to spend each day, week, and month.

Know Your Food With Chemical Cuisine

Maybe this year you don’t just want to eat better, you want to eat smarter too. But all those additives on food packages can be confusing. Created by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a watchdog consumer advocacy group, Chemical Cuisine allows consumers to look up unfamiliar ingredients and provides a description and safety rating.

Become Less Stressed With I Can Be Free

Eliminating stress is one of the most difficult goals to obtain, because, well, life is hard! This app offers relaxation sessions with techniques designed to help users overcome fears. Your worries likely won’t just up and disappear, but a few soothing words or calming music can take you from a wound-up ball of anxiety to a functional human being ready to tackle whatever comes your way. 

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Original article from TakePart