7 Essential Tips to Succeed at Your New Job

In the last three months, more than 675,000 new jobs have been created in the U.S. according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. When you add this to the hiring that has taken place to fill previously existing jobs, we are witnessing an incredible amount of hiring. The obvious corollary to this is that large numbers of people are transitioning into new professional roles.

When beginning a new job, you need to concern yourself with how to fit in with your new peers, how to meet the expectations of your new boss and how to master the learning curve that comes with any new challenge.

Even if you are fortunate enough to have something of a honeymoon break-in period, this is not the time to relax. Instead, it is wise to figure out how your presence will mark a change for the group you are now working with, how to establish yourself as an expert at whatever it is that you do and how to gain the respect of those who might be skeptical of your very presence on their turf.

Here are some things to keep in mind.

1. Ask for help ... but don't come across as clueless. Of course you can't know where everything is, how everything is done or how to access the resources you need to be successful without some guidance.

When you repeatedly ask how to do core functions of your job, you can easily give the impression that you are in over your head. Instead ask, "Do you do such-and-such this way or that way here?" That's how you demonstrate your competence and desire to make sure things are done the right way and that you are conforming to expectations.

2. Figure out what's needed and take initiative. It's important to show that you are both proactive and purposeful. Make certain that you understand your boss's priorities and arrange your work so that you meet his or her needs.

3. Remember that you only get one chance to make a first impression. The way you act and present yourself in your first days create a long-term impression and may determine your ultimate success or failure in the role. It doesn't take long for your co-workers, clients, customers and vendors to form ideas about you. Think about the persona you want to create and then dress, act and speak accordingly from the get-go.

4. Figure out both substance and process. No doubt you'll be attending an untold number of meetings. Of course you need to pay attention and contribute to the group discussions as appropriate.

But just as important, make notes to yourself about the group process. Who tends to get the attention and respect of others around the table?

Think not only about relationships as defined by the organizational chart, but also by the social interactions, eye contact, body language of the meeting's participants. When you determine the underlying social order within your organization you'll be able to maneuver through it with greater ease.

5. If you are managing others, don't confuse authority with leadership or obedience with respect. You gain a certain amount of raw authority by virtue of your superior position in the corporate organizational chart. But in order to get the best out of the people you manage, you can't simply command it.

You need to earn people's respect by demonstrating that you are looking out for the interests of your team, and going above and beyond for them before you can expect that they'll go the extra mile for you.

6. Remember that this place isn't your old place. In your previous place of employment, you likely had built up a reservoir of trust, goodwill and friendships over time. No matter how competent you are, or how stellar your work ethic might be, you are starting off fresh. Your old reputation doesn't travel with you.

No matter what your role, you need to prepare yourself for being the new kid on the block for a while, with all that this implies.

7. Remember who interviewed you and what they asked. Chances are that during the interview process you met with several people with differing roles within the company. For example, in addition to human resources, you might have met leaders in finance, operations, marketing or other departments. Likely, they wouldn't have been included in the interview process unless your new role somehow interacted with or impacted them.

Even if you don't need to deal with them on a regular basis, understand that they have expectations to be met, and failing to take them into account will likely lead to unfortunate consequences for you.

Happy hunting!