8 Ways to Hack for Your Hot Cereal Bowl for Health and Flavor

When it's chilly outside and you need some motivation to get out of bed in the morning, the thought of a delicious and energizing hot breakfast may be just the push you need. Well, you'll be comforted to know that one of the coldest months of the year -- February -- is National Hot Breakfast Month. In other words: Now's a great time to raise your bowl to a new level!

Breakfast brings benefits that carry you through the rest of the day. You may not have even realized that your morning meal is responsible for:

-- Enhancing concentration and alertness.

-- Increasing the likelihood that you'll reach for healthier foods all day.

-- Boosting your nutrient intake, which is better for your overall health.

-- Revving up your metabolism.

But not all breakfasts are alike. A bagel or pastry on the way to work may give you some energy, but a choice like that will make you feel like crawling under your desk by 10 a.m. The best breakfasts are a combination of protein, whole-grain carbohydrates and some healthy fat. Like three legs of a stool, these nutrients support each other to, in turn, support you.

So if you haven't explored the world of hot cereal because you think it's boring, bland or mushy, think again! Say goodbye to humdrum and hello to filling, nourishing and delicious hot cereals you'll want to wake up to tomorrow. Here are eight ways to start:

1. Sweeten the mix.

You can naturally sweeten your bowl without added sugar by topping your cereal with warmed fruit (fresh or frozen), a pinch of heart-healthy cinnamon, a drop of heavenly-smelling vanilla extract or all three. Starting your day with fiber-filled fruit and oatmeal will satisfy your sweet tooth -- without leading to a mid-morning sugar crash, like a pastry would.

2. Go for satisfying and savory.

Move over bacon, egg and cheese sandwich! Swap out this breakfast classic without sacrificing your favorite flavors by making an egg and cheese breakfast bowl. Mix 1/4 cup of your favorite cheese into a bowl of oatmeal, top it with an egg cooked your favorite way and sprinkle it with black pepper and hot sauce. This makeover is loaded with fiber and protein, plus some healthy fat to keep you feeling full and fueled during busy work days.

3. Pack on the protein.

With 4 grams per cooked cup, oatmeal is a good source of fiber that has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Try topping it with some combination of cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, eggs, nut butter or nuts and seeds to add a muscle-building protein punch to your morning meal. The additional protein will hold you over until lunch and keep you from visiting the vending machine between meqals.

4. Texturize your way.

Create the texture that suits your morning mood and enhances the nutrient value further by adding some crunchy toppings, such as chia seeds, nuts or unsweetened toasted coconut. Alternatively, you can make your bowl silky smooth by mixing in Greek yogurt or smooth almond butter, which also boosts the protein content.

5. Cook it quick or slow.

There's no excuse for depriving yourself of a hot morning meal. If you don't have time, try preparing oatmeal in a slow cooker overnight with chopped apples and cinnamon. If you do have a few minutes to spare, cook oatmeal low and slow, occasionally stirring it, so that this grain grows to nearly double the portion size with the same amount of oats!

6. Explore more grains.

Think outside the typical bowl of hot cereal by trying grains such sorghum, barley, buckwheat and quinoa. Each grain can be prepared with the additions mentioned above, yet they each provide unique textures, flavors and benefits to the heart.

7. Bring on the cold.

Although I truly enjoy exploring the range of hot cereals available, my pantry is bursting with cold cereals that beg for some attention during the winter. My solution? Add steamed milk to my (formerly) cold cereal! Depending on which type you choose, you can make morning time nutritious and delicious by picking a cold cereal that lists whole grains as the first grain mentioned on the food label.

8. Have breakfast for dinner.

Some of us stop at the gym on the way to work and may look for a lighter snack before working out. Although hot cereal may not be an at-home option, you can add hot water to a packet of instant hot cereal or save the savoring for when you get home. Cereal makes a fantastic dinner and a steamy, satisfying bowl can replace a meal in a restaurant to save you time, money and calories.