2015: 4 Social media trends to watch

Sometimes social media goes awry. Here are 2014's top 5 brand mistakes to learn from.

Congratulations. You've survived 2014 on social media. Time to start planning for 2015.

Here are four social media trends to watch in the year ahead.

First up, get ready for more metrics. We're always talking about metrics, right? The difference in 2015 will be zeroing in on the ones that actually tell the story of your brand's performance. And why? Because you've got to figure out what you're doing right... and do more.

Second, expect visual brand language to take on increasing importance. For perspective, Forrester released a report this year talking about the difference in engagement rates among Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Instagram gets 4.2% while the other two don't even hit a full percentage point. It's bananas, and exactly the reason your brand need a visual strategy on social.

Third, marketers will have to consider mobile not just as a second screen, but as a first -- or only screen. What does a mobile-only experience look like for your brand? And this trend, will probably stick with us for a while, too.

And finally, expect mistakes. Social media is still young and there still a lot marketers who have yet to figure out. As they try to figure out what success looks like in this field, just don't be surprised when things occasionally go awry.

For more social media trends, check out 9 social media trends to watch in 2015.

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