9 Ways to Earn Extra Money Outdoors

Many of us who work in offices, retail or restaurants fantasize about making money without being stuck indoors -- or at least not stuck in a desk chair. Even if you're not ready to give up your gig for a career as a forest ranger, there are plenty of ways to spend time outside and make extra money. Here are nine options to consider.

1. Yard and housework

Odd jobs are a great way to pick up side money. Look on Craigslist to see what people need in your area, or go door-to-door in your neighborhood offering lawn mowing, raking, house painting or other services. If you have friends who are also looking to pick up some extra money while working outside, consider teaming up. This is one way to earn cash while spending time together.

2. Sell goods from your garden

If you live in an area that gets decent traffic, you can set up a little farm stand to sell your overstock of tomatoes or zucchini (because if you plant zucchini, you'll definitely have more than you can use). Just make sure to check laws and ordinances where you live, as some areas regulate roadside stands.

Even if you don't sell the fruits of your labor, there are many ways to make use of your garden. You can trade with friends for produce from their gardens, or many food banks will take donations of your garden's extra bounty.

3. Host a yard sale

Spend a day (or an entire weekend) outside by clearing out your clutter and selling it. If you really want to attract a crowd of buyers, go in with some friends and neighbors to have a big, multifamily yard sale.

4. Yard sale picking

Instead of having your own yard sale, spend your time yard sale picking -- visiting yard sales and estate sales to buy items to resell on sites like eBay, Amazon, or Craigslist. Often, people who have yard sales just want to get stuff out of their house, so they'll sell things for a cheap price, but if you have a good eye, you can buy items and resell them for a profit. This can be especially fun and rewarding if you focus on items you're interested in such as books, old toys or tools.

5. Lifeguarding

Sun and sand (or, well, pool concrete) await you if you have a lifeguard certification. If you're not already certified, contact your local American Red Cross chapter; the organization offers training classes across the country.

6. Work at a camp

If you're a teacher or have another job that gives you the summer off, you can consider full-time seasonal work at a camp (it's not just for teenagers). But if that's too much of a commitment, there are still other options -- look into day camps and summer workshops in your area that might need instructors for art, music, woodworking and more.

7. Work at an amusement park

Many amusement parks offer both part-time and full-time seasonal work. Amusement park gigs range from cleaning the park and working in gift shops, to running rides and performing in live shows or as costumed characters. Visit the website of your local amusement park to see what positions are open.

8. Lead walking tours

If you know the area where you live well, you can design your own walking tour and offer yourself for hire to tourists and locals alike. You can give general tours, historical tours or tours that focus on things you know particularly well (like the best pastry shops or used book stores). List your tour service online on sites such as Fiverr, Craigslist or HipHost.

9. Work as a coach or personal trainer

If you're already trained as a fitness instructor or personal trainer, consider offering outdoor fitness classes. Bootcamps are popular, as are yoga classes in parks or on the beach. You can advertise on Craigslist, and you can also put up flyers in the area where you want to work.

Pick one (or several) of these options to enjoy the fresh air -- and some fresh cash.

Sabah Karimi is a columnist for the blog Wise Bread, where you can find consumer tips like how to select the best balance transfer credit cards.