Abominable Snowman draws gasps at Julien David

PARIS (AP) — Designer Julien David has presented a zany and boyish Paris fall-winter collection inspired by the Yeti monster, which should help consolidate his up-and-coming star status.

There was a trendy insouciance to many of the looks (you can see he's lived in Tokyo): a double face knitted skirt suit in light gray wool was complemented with a sporty sweatband and snowboots. This was one of many looks that might have come with a warning: "It's just fashion. Don't dress like this if it snows!"

Flashes of chainmail and metallic silk quilting on pouffy dresses added a cooler, aggressive edge to the first wave of overly warm-looking clothes.

The men's wear looks, like a tailored houndstooth suit, also gave the collection variety.

But soon enough David was back to the show theme in the mountains, this time facing a childhood fear: the Abominable Snowman. Suffocating Yeti wool blouses, skirts, short pants and snowboots filed out as if the designer was preparing for a bleak winter.

The piece de resistance drew gasps: a disturbing Yeti wool mid-length dress and huge marshmallow mask with two nightmarish eye-holes and nowhere to breathe.

When the revellers noisily applauded for the designer to take his bow, there was no reply and he was nowhere to be seen.