Some Advertisers Suddenly Want to Support Rush Limbaugh

Now that over a dozen companies have bailed on Rush Limbaugh after he called Sandra Fluke a "slut" on air, a couple of new companies are swooping in to buy up that abandoned air time., the dating site that helps people cheat on their significant others, has offered to buy up all of Limbaugh's existing ad inventory. The company's founder and C.E.O. Noel Biderman, who's already shown himself to be a deft grabber of publicity, said in a press release, "Rush has always been a controversial figure and we have always been a controversial service so we can relate."

RELATED: Rush Limbaugh Is Trolling Us

Another dating site, is also looking to buy some ads on Limbaugh's show. Described in a separate press release as "the world's largest sugar daddy and sugar baby dating website," SeekingArrangements is taking a different approach: "When a woman seeks out a Sugar Daddy to help pay for college, many in mainstream media have no problem likening her to being a prostitute," the company's founder and C.E.O. Brandon Wade said. "Such is the hypocrisy of the society we live in."

RELATED: Apparently Some Advertisers Are Beneath Rush Limbaugh

Sure, both of these companies are seizing the Limbaugh scandal for publicity, but they're being pretty amusing as they go about it. That's more than can we say about Limbaugh's original comments about Sandra Fluke.