Alien: Isolation DLC Pass Announced, Includes 5 "Survivor Mode" Expansions

VIDEO: Alien: Isolation's Survival Mode is Beyond Scary [07:45]

Alien: Isolation, the upcoming survival-horror game from The Creative Assembly and Sega, will have a DLC pass. It was announced today that the game's DLC pass will include access to five expansions for the game's Survivor Mode.

This time-based mode challenges you to complete various objectives while escaping an enemy alien. We recently got to play Alien: Isolation's Survivor Mode, and you can see gameplay and our reactions in the video above.

At launch on October 7, Alien: Isolation will come with one map for Survivor Mode, called Basement. Then starting on October 28, the first of five expansions will be released. The first expansion will include three new maps, each with its own set of objectives, challenges, and enemies to kill. There is also a new playable character to unlock.

The second Survival Mode expansion for Alien: Isolation will be released in November, with subsequent releases to follow. The Creative Assembly community manager Ngan Nguyen writes on the PlayStation Blog that you'll save 25 percent by buying the Alien: Isolation DLC pass, though a price for the pass was not announced.

In addition to the Survival Mode expansions for Alien: Isolation, Sega has announced that all preorders for the game will be upgraded to the Nostromo Edition, which includes two bonuses missions featuring the voices and likeness of stars from 1979's Alien. If you don't preorder the game, you'll be able to buy this content by itself sometime later on.

Alien: Isolation is coming to Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC. For more, check out GameSpot's previous coverage. You can also see some of our favorite images from the game in the gallery below. Be sure to click on the thumbnails for full-size images.

Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch

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