Angry Birds Stella review

Angry Birds Stella is the latest version of the Angry Birds franchise. In this iteration, you play as Stella and her cast of friends who need to defeat the pigs. It offers a few new spins on the traditional Angry Birds formula that keeps the game fun and engaging.


Cast of characters: In the early days of the Angry Birds craze, the birds didn't have a lot of character and were only defined by their in-game uses. In this game, you play as Stella to start with, and later get introduced to a cast of her friends, which makes the experience more immersive.

Graphic design: Angry Birds Stella takes the design of the series up a notch. The backgrounds in particular are gorgeously designed, and the game is a treat to look at. It is certainly one of the best-looking Angry Birds games to date.


Sound design: The only real design flaw in the game is the sound design. The laugh uttered by Stella is extremely annoying to listen to repeatedly. During testing, the game was quickly muted.

Slow in places: When the game is first installed, the sequence that introduces the story is quite lengthy and very slow. While the sequence is cute, if you want to skip right to the gameplay there is no way to either skip or speed up the introductory sequence. After you've completed a level, it also takes quite long for your score to appear and for you to have the option to move on to the next level.

Bottom Line

Angry Birds Stella is a new iteration of a proven formula. The Angry Birds gameplay is still engaging and fun, and the visual design of the game is improved over previous versions. The game also features a more fleshed-out cast of characters than some of the older games in the series.

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