Anne Rice and Gamergate: The Week in Pop-Culture Writing

Five Stars: A Journey Through 185 Amazon Reviews Written by Anne Rice Laura June | Vulture "I am struck by how much five-star content she consumes, and I am genuinely moved by her positivity."

The Future of the Culture Wars Is Here, and It's Gamergate Kyle Wagner | Deadspin "What we have in Gamergate is a glimpse of how these skirmishes will unfold in the future—all the rhetorical weaponry and siegecraft of an internet comment section brought to bear on our culture, not just at the fringes but at the center."

Anti-Harassment Policies and Diversity Panels: How NY Comic-Con Worked to Make Geek Culture More Inclusive Pilot Viruet | Flavorwire "One of the first things you see upon entering New York Comic Con is a large sign that unequivocally states, 'Cosplay Is Not Consent.'"

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Last Week's Edition

Pharrell Williams's Lolicon Video Matt Alt | The New Yorker "While Pharrell’s breezy tune is steeped in the idioms of American hip-hop and dance culture, the video for “It Girl” comes from the world of Japanese otaku."

♫ Roxane ♫ Patricia A. Matthew | The New Inquiry "Gay’s writing is a new iteration of écriture féminine that centers black female experience for its own sake."

Dear Dear White People Aisha Harris | Slate "Dear White People is the kind of movie where frank conversations about race play out all the time (cool!) but they’re delivered primarily via impassioned speeches in nearly every scene (ugh)."

That Time Anna Nicole Smith Hit on Me Sarah Miller | Cafe "Anna came into the room as if sleepwalking, then stood tottering before me, a buxom Weeble in one of those velour sweatsuits women in the early aughts wore for all occasions."

Reelin’ in the Years Colin Dickey | Lapham's Quarterly "With Orlando, time of the mind becomes historical; Orlando’s vampiric longevity is a challenge to readers to think of the self as constructed over hundreds of years. "

I’m in Love With Shia LaBeouf Ernest Baker | Grantland "For the past year, people have been telling me that he’s crazy. All this time, I’ve felt like he’s the only person who understands anything."

What Do You Really Mean When You Say "Basic Bitch"? Noreen Malone | The Cut "Over the past year, we have arrived at an odd cultural and lexicographical moment: To dress 'normal' is the height of chic, yet to call someone 'basic' is the chicest put-down."

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