Anti-Islam Filmmaker Arrested for Probation Violations

The filmaker behing the controversial anti-Islam film Innocence of Muslims was arrested and ordered to be held without bond in a California prison for violating his probation from a previous arrest for bank fraud. 

RELATED: Pakistani Official Places Bounty on Anti-Islam Filmmaker

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula's attorney argued for a $10,000 bond and that he'd be at risk of harm from fellow inmates if he was admitted to a downtown L.A. prison, but the judge wasn't buying it. Citing a "pattern of deception" and the chance Nakoula would flee, Judge Suzanne Segal ordered him held without bond. Nakoula was arrested Thursday afternoon over eight accusations of probation violations stemming from a 2010 bank fraud conviction. As part of his probation, Nakoula was barred from using a computer or the internet without consent from his probation officer, and was also told he wasn't able to enlist other people to use the internet for him. "The court has a lack of trust in the defendant at this time," Segal said while making the ruling. One of the accusations Nakoula's facing is lying to his probation officers. Nakoula has been all but confirmed to be the man known as Sam Bacile, the filmmaker behind the film that sparked protests around the world. 

RELATED: Pakistan Disavows Bounty on U.S. Filmmaker

Earlier in the day, President Obama spoke at the U.N. and defended Nakoula's right to free speech while condemning the film as a whole. It is important to note he's not being arrested for making the film, but for connections the film's production has to a previous court order. Pakistan recently distanced itself from a bounty placed on Nakoula's head by one of its ministers.