Anti-Porn parental controls review

Anti-Porn parental controls filters and blocks adult websites and other objectionable and inappropriate content. Its preconfigured lists can be edited and supplemented with keywords and URLs. Anti-Porn parental controls can also set time limits, and it can even tell games from regular programs and blacklist them automatically. Your password can bypass blocking, access the settings, and view logs and screenshots.


Languages: Anti-Porn parental controls blocks sites in multiple languages, too, so inappropriate sites can't slip past because they don't trigger keywords.

Game detector: This software can tell which programs are games and add them automatically to the game list, so you can limit your kids' access.

Screenshots: Anti-Porn parental controls captures screenshots at regular intervals or when something objectionable happens. It also logs screen and website activity for quick reviewing.


Outlook troubles: Anti-Porn parental controls couldn't access Outlook to send feedback with Outlook open, yet when we closed Outlook and tried again, the software opened Outlook's installer.

Trial expired: Our trial expired before the advertised seven days.

Bottom Line

Anti-Porn parental controls is affordable and easy to use. Despite our trial issues, we recommend trying it yourself to see if it meets your family's needs.

Editors' note: This is a review of the trial version of Anti-Porn parental controls

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