These are Apple’s brand new iPads

While various reports are offering contradicting versions on the number of new iPads Apple is expected to launch on Wednesday, Apple has cleared the waters, as it leaked its 2014 iPad models ahead of the big reveal, 9to5Mac has discovered.

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Accidentally or intentionally, Apple has apparently leaked training manuals for both the iPad Air 2 and the iPad mini 3 just as Google made a major Nexus and Android announcement. The documents confirm that both devices will have a Touch ID home button, just like previous rumors revealed.

Most importantly, these newly discovered materials seem to indicate that Apple has chosen iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 as the official names of its 2014 iPad models.

Additionally, the leaked materials revealed that Apple’s new tablets will still feature a mute/side switch button, and will generally have the same design as their predecessors.

The manual also contains a page that reveals the iPad Air 2’s iSight camera will receive a significant upgrade, as it’ll be able to offer users a burst mode, just like last year’s iPhone 5s.

An image showing the new tablets follows below.

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