How Apple plans to make future iPhone cameras more powerful than ever before

iPhone cameras are already awesome for taking videos — with the right apps and accessories, we’ve seen that they’re good enough to take professional-grade videos. However, Apple is always working on ways to improve its phones’ cameras and a new patent highlighted by AppleInsider shows Apple has some very ambitious plans to give future iPhones the ability to shoot gorgeous videos that deliver higher color accuracy than ever before.

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The patent in question deals with a camera module that contains three separate sensors that are used to split light and sort it by the three colors of red, blue and green. This is significant because, as AppleInsider writes, “light splitting systems do not require color channel processing or demosaicing, thereby maximizing pixel array resolution.” Using this kind of technology would mean colors filmed with the camera would be more accurate than they are now, especially in low-light conditions.

Three-sensor light-splitting technology isn’t exactly new since it’s already found in some cameras, but this would mark the first time that it’s ever been implemented in a device as slim as the iPhone, which explains why Apple was granted the patent for it.

To get plenty more technical details about how this kind of technology would work on future iPhones, be sure to check out AppleInsider’s full report by clicking here.

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