The Arab Spring, Yom Kippur, and Women in Science

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: The conflict in Syria is affecting Iraq and is "worsening sectarian tensions, pushing Iraq closer to Iran and highlighting security shortcomings just nine months after American forces ended their long and costly occupation here."

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World: With a high unemployment rate, people in Spain have turned to scavenging.

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Politics: The way Obama dealt with the Arab Spring "demonstrates the gap between the two poles of his political persona: his sense of himself as a historic bridge-builder who could redeem America’s image abroad, and his more cautious adherence to long-term American interests in security and cheap oil."

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New York: Frail Jews turn to intravenous feeding on Yom Kippur.

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Business: Ingolstadt in Germany, where unemployment is at 2.2 percent, "provides perhaps the best example of the turnaround that has occurred in the German job market since an overhaul of labor regulations in 2005."

Science: A study out of Yale finds that science professors hold a bias against their female undergraduate students thinking of them as "as less competent than male students with the same accomplishments and skill." The Nature Conservancy is building a bat cave in Tennessee to protect the creatures from the fungal disease, white nose syndrome.

Sports: Ichiro Suzuki cares "for his bats like Stradivarius violins."

Opinion: Frank Bruni asks of Romney: "How did someone so politically maladroit — a cardboard cutout crossed with an Etch A Sketch — get this far?"

Television: Alessandra Stanley on the romantic pursuits of The Mindy Project and Ben and Kate.

Music: Ben Ratliff on I'll Be Your Mirror the city's version of All Tomorrow's Parties.