Artist paints heart-warming portraits of cult pop culture figures, minus the irony

Fran Drescher. David Letterman. Ace Ventura (pet detective). Immortal figures of our time, oft seen as Tumblr GIFs, they deserve to be immortalised in adoring portraits.

Fortunately, Melbourne-based artist Jessirose Streker has already done it. She's behind a project called "Portraits i painted of inspirational figures from around thw world." 

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Yes, the spelling "thw" is intentional. "I just kept on typing it that way and it was easier. I guess I kept it because it suits the work," Streker told Mashable Australia.

Streker's painted a collection of admirable and funny folks, ranging from cult figures such as Curb Your Enthusiasm's Larry David, to Aussie legends such as Corey Worthington and the country's beer-chugging former prime minister, Bob Hawke. Someone we actually look up to in Australia, for better or worse.


Despite the irony of painting people who might not be considered worthy, venerable subjects, Streker's work isn't some totally ironic message about the world of celebrities.

"It's not really a statement to say, like, 'f*ck celebrities' or whatever, I love celebrities. It's more like these people are sick, you know? These people you might not have heard of are really awesome. It's about painting people who I think are cool, not about painting people I hate," she said.

Streker began painting these portraits three years ago, and now she is displaying 40 of them in a joint show with fellow artist Ben Mackie, who makes sketches. The exhibition will also feature a shrine to Princess Diana, because why not. 

There is an unmistakable allure to Streker's work. Probably because they're kinda hilarious, even if Streker isn't always completely aware of why.

"I would show someone a painting, and they would think 'oh my god it's so funny' — and to me it's not funny at all. I'd think it's my best ... I'd think it's really good ... But I think that [humour] is what people like in it," she said.

Although there are plenty of famous peeps that Streker has painted, she's not incredibly keen on subjects that are a little too famous.

"Christopher Walken. I think he's the best, but I think he's just too popular. And Bill Murray. I mean I'll probably paint them one day, because they're sick. But for now I'm like nah, I'd rather paint my comic friends from Sydney or Welcome to the Dollhouse," she said. 

Because Dawn Weiner forever.


Image: Jessirose streker

[h/t The Creators Project]