Artist whittles wood into food and fools us all

You might want to start poking your food before taking a bite.

Imgur user Mikepants shared photos of what appears to be various food items but are actually whittled and painted pieces of wood. The photos are actually by sculptor Seiji Kawasaki, whose impressive work also includes whittled animals, self-portraits and chopstick rests.

SEE ALSO: Nick Offerman offers woodworking advice in delightful 'This Old House' clip


Based on the photos, it seems like the artist whittles blocks of wood into the shape of the food and then carefully paints them.

Mikepants' various wooden foods resemble all the parts of a balanced diet.

Always start your day with breakfast.


Then for lunch, have some toast and chips.


Image: mikepants/imgur

For dinner we'll introduce some nutrition – a variety of veggies and some seafood.

Image: mikepants/imgur

Image: mikepants/imgur

And then for dessert, some chocolate bark.

Image: mikepants/imgur

Seiji Kawasaki has more of his incredible wooden meals on his website and Facebook

Even though no deaths were reported from the wood pulp in parmesan cheese fiasco, we don't recommend noshing on Kawasaki's creation.