Atlantic City, Hindsight Bias, and Oysters

Atlantic City, Hindsight Bias, and Oysters

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: The Times' continuing coverage of Sandy.

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World: International observers say the Ukraine's parliamentary election was "heavily tilted in favor of President Viktor F. Yanukovich’s Party of Regions through the abuse of government resources, the dominance of media coverage and the jailing of two prominent opposition leaders."

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U.S.: Sandy is "a test" for FEMA and also provides potential to expose the organization's weaknesses.

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New York: Michael Grynbaum on New York leaders' styles during the storm. A survey of the damage in Atlantic City where "Hurricane Sandy captured Atlantic City and refused to let go."

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Science: Studies bring optimism about a longer-lasting flu vaccine.

Health: Many people will experience hindsight bias, the feel like they always knew the result of the presidential election.

Sports: Buster Posey, the San Francisco Giants' catcher, is "the cornerstone of the franchise" and fans talk about him "the way Yankees people talk about Derek Jeter."

Opinion: Paul Greenberg on "the oysters that once protected New Yorkers from storm surges, a bivalve population that numbered in the trillions and that played a critical role in stabilizing the shoreline from Washington to Boston."

Movies: With a series of movies and television shows about the Ottoman Empire, Turkey is expressing a revived interest in a period that had been "underplayed in the history taught to schoolchildren, as the new Turkish Republic created by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1923 sought to break with a decadent past."