Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice’s Rumoured Budget Is Huge

It costs quite a pretty penny to throw together a Hollywood blockbuster.

‘Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’ is believed to have cost $410 million, while it was recently alleged that Marvel are prepared to spend $1 billion on the upcoming ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ films.

It was previously believed that ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice’s’ budget came in at around $200 million. But a source for Latino Review has now insisted that it was much higher.

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In fact, you can double it. And then add $10 million more. That’s right, the speculated budget for ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ is believed to be $410 million.

If this rumour proves to be true then this means that ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ could be the most expensive movie ever shot. This honour currently belongs to ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’.

Meanwhile, Zack Snyder is going to have to reign in the costs a little bit when he directs the two ‘Justice League’ movies, with Latino Review insisting that the budget for both of these films will be $500 million in total.

‘Justice League’ is being shot in London over a 16-month period before they’re released in 2017 and 2019, respectively.

But despite its escalated budget, the powers that be over at Warner Bros. will still be pretty confident that ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ will be worth the money. We’ll see if that’s actually the case when the superhero hybrid hits cinemas on March 25, 2016.

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[Images via Warner Bros.]