Best Battles in New Comics: 12/27/14

Hey there, thanks for checking out the latest edition of Best Battles in New Comics! So, it turns out we forgot to buy you something for the holidays this year, but we're hoping this article will make up for it. I mean, it has the Batcave's items being turned into weapons, someone being thrown across Manhattan, and all kinds of cosmic craziness. Sounds pretty cool, right? If your favorite action scene from a new comic isn't below, go ahead and give it some love in the comments. Now, let's check out the brawls!

*Yes, this reveals whether Damian returns or stays dead. Odds are you know the answer by now, but this warning is for the very few who have somehow managed to elude that news*


Our first highlight comes from the final chapter of the Robin Rises storyline. Written by Peter J. Tomasi and with visuals by Andy Kubert, Jonathan Glapion and Brad Anderson, this last issue is every bit as action-packed as the previous ones. As you likely already know by now, Batman has gone to Apokolips, kicked all kinds of butt, and returned to the Batcave with the body of his son. Thanks to the power of the Chaos Shard, Wayne was able to bring the child back from the dead. However, one does not simply stroll into Apokolips, beat up a lot of people and expect to get away with it. The Dark Knight's actions have seriously upset Kalibak and the alien's followed the Bat-family back to Earth. Now he has only one thing occupying his mind: Revenge. Kalibak is able to obliterate Batman --- who's no longer in the Hellbat suit -- and his allies, but the Chaos Shard didn't just bring Damian Wayne back to life; it gave him super powers, too. Kalibak fans, you'll want to look away. Damian Wayne fans, get ready to cheer.

Kalibak's had a rough time in Robin Rises. Not only was he completely humiliated by Batman, but now he's literally getting his teeth knocked out by a 10-year-old. Don't worry, though, because Tomasi makes it crystal clear that Damian's physicals aren't on par with Darkseid's son. He may land some good hits, but Kalibak promptly smacks him away. The thing is, Damian happens to land near a Batmobile, and if his fists aren't working, why not try striking with something a little bigger? And, if one hit doesn't cut it, why not try over and over again?

As much as it looks like Darkseid's son is getting wrecked, the big guy's really okay. He's once again able to swat away Super-Damian and gets ready to unleash. That's when --we kid you not -- Titus leaps into action! We won't show you that moment in here. If you're a fan of the series, it's something you'll want to experience for yourself and in context simply because it'll make you smile and want to applaud. The diversion gives Damian the time he needs to recover and he decides to use yet another one of his father's objects to assault Kalibak. This time, he uses... well, see for yourself!

Does Damian display any powers other than super speed, strength and durability in the fight? How is the situation with Kalibak resolved? And what villain makes a return in the issue? Seriously, if you like Batman -- and we're guessing that's a decent amount of you -- you'll want to read this issue. It marks the return of Batman and Robin, after all!


Next up is the latest -- and penultimate -- issue of Charles Soule, Javier Pulido and Muntsa Vicente's SHE-HULK. This one's all about big and over-the-top action, so it should come as no surprise it's getting a highlight spot. The plot is simple: Titania has been paid to knock some sense into Jennifer Walters, a.k.a. She-Hulk. Someone thinks she's looking into the Blue File and wants her to stop. Except She-Hulk hasn't touched the file in months, so she's pretty baffled by the villain randomly appearing in her office. After getting punched through several walls, She-Hulk tries to reason with her opponent. They're in a populated area and She-Hulk wants to take the fight to a place where the collateral damage won't be a problem. Well, She-Hulk does leave the region, but probably not the way she thought she would. In equally unfortunate news, she also lost a shoe after the very first punch. It's been a rough day for her.

Sure, the Palisades isn't nearly as crowded as a spot over in the city, but it isn't a place where She-Hulk can really throw down and feel safe about it. So, she then lures Titania farther north along the Hudson until they reach a spot where she feels like she can really let loose and not worry about hurting innocents. Unfortunately for Jen, Titania is the first one to dish out attacks and it's brutal. But Jen's certainly no pushover and when there's an opening, she takes full advantage of it.

The fight may have started in Brooklyn and wound up in Breakneck Ridge, but it turns out this was all part of the villain's plan. You see, she knew She-Hulk wouldn't want to fight in a populated region and would do what she could to head to the nearest open area, so Volcana was waiting for them in the region. Not only does it put the odds in favor of the villains, but it also means it's way less likely for She-Hulk to get any back-up since they're far away from the city. Well, it turns out the two foes were very, very wrong because it's not long before Hellcat, Angie Huang and Hei Hei join the brawl!

SHE-HULK ends with the next issue and, before it goes, the creative team made sure to give us an incredibly fun and even funny fight. The battle lasts pretty much the entire issue and, if you've been following along, you won't want to miss the cliffhanger. So, not only does this one take big steps with the story, but it also dishes out a ton of entertaining punches and action madness. Not shabby, right?


If you've been following DC, odds are you've heard of a little cosmic event called Godhead. It finally brought together the New Gods and the various Lantern Corps and, as expected, things didn't go too well. It wasn't exactly a peaceful gathering. After several issues of watching the event unfold, it's now up to Robert Venditti, Billy Tan, Mark Irwin, Marc Deering, Livesay and Alex Sinclair to show us how it all comes to an end. An epic event deserves an epic finale and things most definitely kick off in a very epic way. We've seen the New Gods dominate Lanterns, but what about the beings trapped in the Source Wall? That's right, Black Hand gains control of them and sends 'em to New Genesis to unleash all kinds of craziness!

Watching the previously trapped giants lash out is a total blast and it's clear that New Genesis is in major trouble. The army that was meant to battle Darkseid and his forces is being decimated and the city's buildings aren't all that safe, either. However, Highfather and his forces are about to get some much needed inspiration from Orion. We've seen countless times when a hero rushed into battle to inspire others and screamed a line or two, but this puts a bloody and unforgettable twist on the action. This cosmic dude sure knows how to make an entrance.

The beings from the Source Wall? It turns out Black Hand can't keep control of them for a prolonged period of time, so eventually, they stop assaulting New Genesis and simply seem confused about what's going on. Where are they? What are they doing there? Now that they're not causing all kinds of destruction, it seems like peace could be an option soon enough as the battle comes to an end. Then Highfather has to go and mess that up. He now thinks he can control them with the Life Equation, but all it does is really, really upset them, and the last thing you want to do is enrage a bunch of enormous, mighty and confused creatures.

Godhead's conclusion is full of ginormous action and there's some very, very big developments along the way. What happens to the begins from the Source Wall? How does the conflict between Hal and Highfather conclude? What happens with Kyle Rayner? There's a lot going on and, as if that wasn't enough, there's a big update with a very lovable Lantern. This is a huge issue for fans of DC's cosmic scene. Yes, annual issues take a little more money out of your wallet, but this one's definitely worth it.

What are your top three fights from this latest round of new comics? Support what you love and tell the world below. Also, don't forget to make nominations every week in the official thread or tell us via Twitter. Check back next Friday for a new edition of this segment!

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