Best Battles in New Comics: 6/19/15

This article, Best Battles in New Comics: 6/19/15, originally appeared on Comic Vine.

It's that time of the week. Time to look at the latest edition of Best Battles in New Comics. Comics often feature big battles with superheroes fighting supervillains. Sometimes we even have superheroes fighting other superheroes. Get ready to cheer and possibly cringe at the brutal punches being thrown.

There will be some spoilers below!

It almost seemed like there wasn't a huge selection of fights this week. But we did have some good ones.


(By Bryan Hitch, Daniel Henriques, and Alex Sinclair)

For the first issue of a new Justice League series, this issue does set up a few different plot lines. No one wants an issue full of set up so there is a pretty big fight featured in this issue. If you're going to do a sort of big warm up fight before the true threat arrives, who can you bring in to take on the entire League? How about someone that can drain and absorb their powers and become even more powerful like Parasite?

The League had all been separately invited to a seemingly abandoned power plant. Despite everyone being on their toes and Batman's too-late warning for everyone to leave, Parasite revealed himself and started draining Hal's ring's energy. The others tried taking him on but that just resulted in him taking some of the Speed Force from Barry and swallowing Wonder Woman whole.

Hal did recover from the feedback when the others tried pulling him away and "showed" Parasite what could be done with all the energy he stole.

That didn't go too well. Superman did arrive but Parasite turned his attention back on Flash.

The fight was getting to be quite a mess. The League were scatted and in different states of being battered down. What if more members of the League showed up? Cyborg arrives and started blasting away.

The League kept trying different things. Of course teamwork is the key but it became hard when members started getting drained or pulled away. Needless to say, this was a pretty long fight. We've only shown you the tip of the iceberg and that's all we're going to show you.


(By Alex de Campi, Fernando Ruiz, Rich Koslowski, and Jason Millet)

Things have not been going well for Archie and his friends in Riverdale. They've suffered huge losses and realized having any sort of weapon makes them an automatic target for the Predator. Luckily, Dilton has a plan. He shows some of the remaining gang what he had been cooking up in the AV Club room.

Dilton climbs in but unfortunately there were still some bugs in the system. When the arm canon fires off a shot, that's the cue for the Predator to enter. The rest of the weapons aren't online and it's up to Archie to try to fix a loose wire in the back.

As the fight heats up, could this be the end for Archie?

When it looks like the suit managed to capture the Predator with a net (how do you think that'll go?), it then turns on Betty. The suit is in kill mode and Dilton fights to regain control.

Is this the end for Betty too? There's been a lot of death in this series and there's still one more issue left. But of course we're not going to tell you what happens next. Let's just say it's not too pretty.


(By Brenden Fletcher, Annie Wu, and Lee Loughridge)

Black Canary is on tour now with a new band. Hey, she needs to make money and has a great voice. The problem, it seems she can't perform a gig without a fight breaking out. The fights aren't all her fault. As she tries to put on another show, something happened and she was able to see through the strange disguise of some major trouble in the audience.

She brings a new meaning to crowd participation.

As a true hero, she tries clearing everyone out. She can recognize the danger present. She also wants a little room to do what she does so well.

Fighting with a mic and sending flying kicks would bring down the average troublemaker. But there's something more to these guys. That means it's time to hit the high note.

Guess she really brought the house down, am I right?

Oh man. Make sure you pick up the issue to find out what exactly was going on and what happens next.

Shout out to @Zearing00 for sharing his thoughts on this week's Best Battles on Twitter and dondave on the forums!

What did you think of these three battles?

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What are your top three fights from this latest round of new comics? Support what you love and tell the world below. Also, don't forget to make nominations every week in this thread, especially if you feel we missed a great battle. You can even make suggestions via Twitter and use the hashtag #CVBattles.

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