Best Physical Therapy Colleges Website Launches

Best Physical Therapy Colleges Website Launches, Helps By Offering Information for Those Wanting PT Careers

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 1, 2015 / The Bureau of Labor statistics paints a rosy future for those interested in a career in Physical Therapy (PT). To that end, the brand new website,, has launched offering information for those searching to find the best physical therapy career college to fit their educational goals.

According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, there were 204,200 physical therapist jobs in the year 2012 that were paying on average $79,860 per year or $38.39 per hour. They project that the field will add 36% more jobs over the next five years. By 2022, they indicate there will be a need to fill 73,500 physical therapist jobs that will be created.

According to the American Physical Therapy Association, there are upwards of 200 accredited physical therapy programs. PTs in training in the US now receive a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. A typical program lasts three years, and requires a bachelor's degree before admittance with courses offering classes from biology to exercise physiology to finance.

The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy requires the completion of the National Physical Therapy Examination while further certification or license requirements vary from state to state. The site offers information on programs throughout the United States as well as program requirements and reviews of programs.

Therapists are trained to work with a variety of injuries and illness. Physical therapists assist with an injury or illness working directly with patients to manage pain and improve movement. They can be employed by a hospital, a nursing home, or even set up a private practice or clinic and work with patients of any age.

As the population ages, there will be a growing need for physical therapists. Rehabilitation is a big part of the surgery process, especially if the surgery is for something such as hip replacement or knee replacement, shortening the recuperation time.

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Helen White

Source: Best Physical Therapy Colleges
