The Best Stuff In Comics: 1-12-15

This used to be a VIDEO FEATURE for over one hundred episodes. We've changed the format to a text version as most seem to prefer it this way. Let me know in the comments below.

Each week we take a look at the other Best Stuff you might have missed...this week.


Best Cosplay

Hawkeye and Deadpool have sort of been teaming up. Deadpool wants to help save the day. He borrowed some of Hawkeye's old equipment.

Turns out there was a reason Hawkeye hasn't been used his sky-cycle lately. Deadpool finds out the hard way.

Best Reason to Remember Safety First on Escalators

Black Cat has been doing some pretty evil things. As her plans starts to unravel, she says goodbye to one of her men on the escalators. This just shows you should ALWAYS concentrate while on escalators.

First his coat got stuck, then his tie. It's not a pretty site what happens next.

HULK #10

Best Use of Chopsticks

Hulk and Red Hulk are about to fight each other in New York City. Daredevil doesn't like this idea. As he just stepped out of Chinese restaurant, he finds the best way to get their attention to convince them to take it elsewhere.


Best Sunrise

This comic has had it's share of crazy and over the top action. Sometimes you need to pause and appreciate the finer things in life.


Best Totally Unnecessary and Over-the-Top Kill

Punisher obviously has no problem taking out his opponents. He's always focused on the task at hand. But sometimes he takes his job so seriously, he really wants to make sure the deed is done.

After shooting and kicking two bad guys out of a skyscraper, he really wanted to make sure they were taken care of.

Best Overpowered Gun

Unfortunately this gun wasn't owned by Punisher but rather used against him. It seems not only can you see through several floors, you can also shoot through them as well to hit your target.


Best Field Goal Kick

In a world where a RoboCop exists, why would anyone want to be a criminal?


SPIDER-MAN 2099 #7

Best Reason to Avoid the Punisher from any Era

In the year 2099, there still exists versions of some heroes. Punisher 2099 is one you won't want to come across.


Best Green Arrow Costume and Accessories

What happens when your caught in a bad situation and you don't have your costume or weapons? Hopefully you're friends with and friends with Hal Jordan, who happens to be wearing his Green Lantern Power Ring.


Best Embrace

We often get some great moments where characters get the chance to simply hug each other. That's why hugs are so important. With Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde, they are the literal star-crossed lovers. Circumstances have finally allowed t them to come together instead of being light years apart.


Best Fight in a Kitchen

There's so many things that could be used in a kitchen fight. The art here are just phenomenal.


Best Yell

Over the years, we've seen Superman yell out in frustration and pain. In this week's ACTION COMICS, he gets the chance to yell out while still sporting his super-beard.


Best Way to Possibly Defeat a Super-Villain

Squirrel Girl is supposed to be unbeatable, right? She manages to come up with ways to defeat the most ruthless supervillains around. When it comes to Kraven the Hunter, she has an interesting possible way to put a stop to his evil deeds.

That's one way to deal with him, right?


Best Reason Not to Try to Pass Gas in Someone's Face

Karma is one thing. Marcus had a late and rough night before having to work at his job at the comic shop. When one of the regulars keeps bugging him over and over on a promise he made, Marcus decides to cut one loose right in his face.

What do you think happens next? Perhaps the worst possible thing that could happen to Marcus.

It gets much worse after that. Much, much worse. Hopefully you can all learn a lesson from this.

Best Poll of the Week

Last week the poll dealt with seeing holidays depicted in comics and whether or not they should happen. You can check out the rest of the results HERE.

This week, let's just find out what you thought was the best Best Stuff this week.

(Note: if you get a "session expired" notice, refresh the page).

What is Your Favorite Best Stuff from This Week (Jan 11)? Click here to vote!

That's all I came up with this week. Let us know in the comments below what other Best Stuff you dug this past week. Thanks to @djfanco for his couple of suggestions. Big thanks to Katzman as well for his. If you want to participate or felt we missed some other Best Stuff, you can @reply me on Twitter at @GManFromHeck by Fridays using the hashtag #BestStuffInComics and I'll think you're pretty groovy.

Let us know what you think of this format. Answer the poll question. Be sure to always look for the best stuff and remember to never mess around when it comes to passing gas in pubic.

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