The Best Stuff In Comics: 1-5-15

This used to be a VIDEO FEATURE for over one hundred episodes. We've changed the format to a text version as most seem to prefer it this way. Let me know in the comments below.

Each week we take a look at the other Best Stuff you might have missed...this week. With new comics coming out on New Year's Eve, there was a small number of titles to choose from. We still found some of this week's best stuff.

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1

Best Preparation for a Future Career

This series focuses on Phil Coulson and his promotion within S.H.I.E.L.D. We know, from the movies, that he's just a normal guy that geeked out a little over meeting Captain America. Now he's leading squads that included S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and the occasional superhero. In this issue we see that Phil has been training for for this position his entire life. It goes to show that reading comics and the adventures of heroes could lead to an interesting career.

Best Fight Scene

During the big mission, we see a pretty impressive fight scene. Words are not needed to describe what's going on. Just check it out.


Best Tough Love Pep Talk

Vicki Vale has had a bit of a rough time lately. While on the job, reporting the craziness going on in Gotham, she fell for the wrong guy. Leave it to her editor to try to keep her on track.


Best Way to Portray a Klingon

We know being able to speak Klingon isn't a difficult task for those dedicated to learning the language. Knowing the language isn't enough to try to actually pass as a Klingon. We see Lt. Uhura knows the secret to pulling it off.


Best Breaking the Sound Barrier

Sometimes you can use your abilities to show off a little and provide some entertainment. The crowd seemed to like it.


Weirdest Moment

We see all sorts of crazy things and read all sorts of crazy captions in comic books. But sometimes you read and see something that's really weird.


Best Dressed Yeti

In the first issue, we discover that Yeti have the power to cloud men's minds. That could be why we didn't know they sometimes dress a little fancy.


Best Sign that Superman isn’t Super at Everything

If you haven't been keeping up with INJUSTICE, this next image will be kind of strange. Perhaps you should go back and catch up. What we see is Superman and Lois' baby. Superman can do a lot of amazing things but there are still some things he struggles with.

Best Poll of the Week

Last week the poll dealt with seeing holidays depicted in comics and whether or not they should happen. You can check out the rest of the results HERE.

This week deals with Superman and Lois.

(Note: if you get a "session expired" notice, refresh the page).

Would You Want Superman and Lois to have a Baby? Click here to vote!

That's all I came up with this week. Let us know in the comments below what other Best Stuff you dug this past week. Thanks to @djfanco for his couple of suggestions. If you want to participate or felt we missed some other Best Stuff, you can @reply me on Twitter at @GManFromHeck by Fridays using the hashtag #BestStuffInComics and I'll think you're pretty groovy.

Let us know what you think of this format. Answer the poll question. Be sure to always look for the best stuff and remember to believe in yourself and not be a sucker.

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