The Best Stuff In Comics: 11-17-14

Normally this has been a VIDEO FEATURE for over one hundred episodes. We're still toying with the idea of changing the format to see what works best. It's all a matter of time for us to produce and in how you all prefer to consume this feature. I've toyed with the idea of testing a text version to see how it goes. Let me know in the comments below.

Each week we take a look at the other Best Stuff you might have missed.



Batman's been busy fighting Joker-ized versions of the Justice League. He was able to suit up before facing Superman. This punch right here looks very familiar.

Batman was able to put in microscopic red suns "collected from dead solar systems with the aid of Dr. Ray Palmer" into the knuckles of his suit. Pretty handy and pretty impressive.

Best New Chewing Gum Flavor

Moments later, Superman is peeling away Batman's armor. Luckily for him, he happened to have some chewing gum in the suit's helmet.

Batman said Alfred called it Kryptonite gum. Doesn't seem like something dentists would approve since it's laced with radioactive Kryptonian dust. But maybe it takes care of tartar build up.


Best Response to the "I Am Your Father" Line

We all know about the famous line uttered by Darth Vader back in The Empire Strikes Back. It's something that has been used by others. What happens when loopy Norman Osborn says it to Miles Morales?

That's one way to reply.


Best Chicken Little Impression

Being John Constantine must be pretty nuts. It's like bad things are just attracted to him. While on a sort of vacation on a certain other Earth, he has to reach a different version of himself. Looks like the traffic or weather conditions aren't in his favor.

Hopefully this wasn't a rental.


Best Way to Fight a Low-Level Supervillain

Being a superhero requires a lot of sacrifices. What can you do when you're trying to relax by the pool and a new supervillain pops up? Tony Stark has the answer.

He didn't even bother to leave the pool. He fought the villain by remote control. Is he a jerk or just brilliant?


Best Place to Command a Mission

We sort of have a similar situation. Captain America, or I should say Steve Rogers, is helping out Sam Wilson, who is the now the new Captain America.

It's not quite the same for Steve as it is for Tony since Steve is now an old man after having the Super Soldier Serum sucked out of him.

Best Reason to Have a Trained Falcon When Throwing a Shield

Part of being Captain America is the shield. You have to know how to use it.

In his defense, he was doing a pretty good job with it, bouncing it around and hitting the bad guys.

Later it falls down towards some hot lava or something. It appeared it was gone for every except Falcon had some help retrieving it.

It be pretty bad if he lost the shield on his first big mission.


Best Reason Not to Have Secret Meetings on Rooftops

Jason Bard recently suffered an injury to his leg.

But don't feel too sorry for him. He's done some pretty skeezy things in Gotham.


Best Reason Why Time Shifts Can Cause Awkward Situations

There's been some strange time shifts happening in GURADIANS 3000. Geena Drake is the only one that realizes they've gone through certain events before and things ended pretty badly for the Guardians. Imagine her surprises when Starhawk, who used to be a dude, was now a woman.

It did get a little awkward.


Best Inigo Montoya Impression

With so many different versions of Spider-Man, of course we'd have to see the newspaper strip version. Peter and Mary Jane were enjoying a delightful picnic when a certain baddie comes along.


Best Rock Star Entrance

Lila Cheney has the ability to teleport to different places but can't teleport where she hasn't been before. When Carol and Tic were on Carol's ship, they were shocked at the sudden arrival of Lila while they were listening to her latest album.

It turned out she was able to teleport there because her "voice" had been there before.


Best Use of Fruit Pies

Silver Surfer and Dawn Greenwood found themselves in a stick situation. Some alien folk were insisting that Dawn become the bride of one. Once his mammy's ring was on her finger, it would be all over for her. Luckily Silver Surfer came just in time and used the Power Cosmic to change things on a molecular level.

The strange thing is, this wasn't the only reference to fruit pies this week.

Best Poll of the Week

Last week the poll dealt with beards. Looks like you all felt Green Arrow's beard was better than Superman's with Ollie getting 62% of the votes. This week's deals with the three "Avengers NOW!" titles. (We're referring to THOR #2 as a "first" issue since the new Goddess of Thunder didn't really appear in the first issue except for the last page).

(Note: if you get a "session expired" notice, refresh the page).

Best Avengers NOW First Issue Click here to vote!

That's all I came up with this week. Let us know in the comments below what other Best Stuff you dug this past week. Special thanks to @Like_car_Keys, @djfanco, @AlexBeaN7, and @Jawshco for their suggestions. If you want to participate, you can @reply me on Twitter at @GManFromHeck by Fridays using the hashtag #BestStuffInComics and I'll think you're pretty groovy.

Let us know what you think of this new format. Answer the poll question. Be sure to always look for the best stuff and be sure to check your genitalia in advanced and in private. Just in case.

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