Couple Arrested Over Valentine's Day Role Play

Courtesy: Portland Police Bureau

One couples' bondage role play on Valentine's Day ended in handcuffs, but not the fuzzy kind.

Portland, Ore., police received a call Tuesday afternoon that a naked woman was tied up in the back of a Subaru last seen leaving a supermarket parking lot.

Police deployed "at least nine cars" to look for the SUV and even alerted authorities in Washington in case the car crossed the state line.

Twenty minutes later, the Subaru was seen pulling into the driveway of the registered owner's address.

Nikolas Harbar, 31, who was the driver, told police that he and his girlfriend were "doing some Valentine's Day role playing."

Once police confirmed with Stephanie Pelzner, 26, that she was voluntarily nude and tied up, they slapped a pair of cuffs on the couple and booked them on one charge of disorderly conduct in the second degree.

"Role-play all you want," Sgt. Pete Simpson told ABC affiliate KATU. "But when you do something that is going to generate a 911 call, you should probably do it at home."