Eat Your Favorite Foods With The CarbLovers Diet Cookbook

A diet that allows pasta and pizza?  That sounds hard to believe.

Whenever you hear the word "diet" it's easy to assume it involves an eating regime of lettuce.  Ellen Kunes and Frances Largeman-Roth, authors of the CarbLovers Diet Cookbook, have created a book with 150 easy recipes for the person who loves bread and sweets but wants to lose weight.

A follow-up to the the CarbLovers Diet book, Kunes and Largeman-Roth wanted to offer readers more recipes that would help them reach their goals.  They even sought out celebrity chefs, like Wolfgang Puck, for gourmet recipes that would fit within the diet.


The authors developed foods that would keep dieters full all day long without adding pounds to the scale.  The recipes they developed were packed with resistant-starch, which are carbs that act like fiber.  The carbs boost metabolism, burn belly fat and keep you full longer.  The CarbLovers Diet is designed to get you about 10 to 15 grams of resistant starch over the course of a day.

The Recipes

Oat and Honey Pancakes With Strawberry Syrup, 395 calories

This recipe saves you 243 calories compared to the traditional pancake recipe with butter and syrup.  It has 8 grams of fiber and 7.6 grams of resistant-starch which leaves you full longer than regular pancakes.  Kunes notes that according to research, a breakfast high in resistant starch kick your fat burning up by 25 percent over the day.

Carblovers Blueberry Muffin, 121 Calories

These muffins are made with partial whole wheat flour.  They're also low fat, because they eliminated a lot of the extra oil and butter.  Ground nutmeg and vanilla extract add flavor to the muffins and soy milk keeps them moist.

Teriyaki Steak Sandwich, 342 calories

The authors replaced the regular soy sauce in the traditional teriyaki recipe with low-sodium soy sauce.  They added mushrooms for a meat-like texture.  The sandwich is on a whole wheat wrap which helps keep you full for a longer period of time.

Penne With Grilled Chicken and Vodka Sauce, 360 calories

Made with whole-wheat penne, there's no cream or butter in this pasta recipe. The authors replaced the cream with half and half, which has lower fat and calories than cream.

For another fantastic recipe, try Wolfgang Puck's Bbq Chicken Pizza for 414 calories.