GOP, Dems Dispute Who's Bad for Women and Jobs

You're an outsourcer! No, you're an outsourcer! You're waging a war on women! No, you are!

That's what the 2012 presidential campaign sounds like right now, as the two candidates quibble - onstage and in their TV ads - about who really sent U.S. jobs overseas and who really wants to harm women.

The Obama campaign has seized on the Washington Post's recent story about Bain-Capital-owned companies that assisted other firms in expanding overseas outsourcing operations. In new ads running in swing states across the country, Obama for America has used that story to accuse Mitt Romney of personally shipping U.S. jobs overseas.

Like this one, which asks, "Does Virginia really want an outsourcer-in-chief in the White House?"

Romney countered Tuesday in his Grand Junction, Colo., town-hall meeting, where he responded by lobbing the same accusation at President Obama.

"If there's an outsourcer-in-chief, it's the president of the United States, not the guy who's running to replace him," Romney said, as ABC's Emily Friedman reported.

"It is interesting that when it comes to outsourcing that this president has been outsourcing a good deal of American jobs himself," Romney said. "By putting money into energy companies, solar and wind energy companies that end up making their products outside the United States."

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The back-and-forth moves onto a fight today for women voters, and who really wants to set back gender equality.

Obama for America debuted an ad in swing states this week that says women should be "troubled" by Romney's anti-abortion policies and promises to de-fund Planned Parenthood, continuing a theme that began this spring when Democrats accused Republicans of waging a "war on women" by opposing required birth-control coverage by health insurers.

As Romney and his campaign did in April, American Crossroads has pivoted to employment statistics to say that Obama's economic policies have harmed women disproportionately, citing women's disproportionate economic suffering under his presidency.

The independent, Karl-Rove-co-founded GOP super PAC disseminated this Web video today in which the narrator tells viewers, "There is a war on women in America, and it's hurting real women every day. We just can't afford another four years."

It must be confusing, to swing-state voters and reporters alike, why in the world these two men dislike America's economy and the women who live here, if the other side is to be believed. At least we have until November to figure it out.