Spice Up Your Style Without Spending a Dime

Are you sick of staring at the same old styles in your closet? We have tips to spice up your wardrobe into the hottest summer trends without spending a dime.

Fashion aficionado Carson Kressley shows you how a little inspiration can go a long way when shopping in your own closet.

Carson's Key Steps to Shopping in Your Closet:

Make an Inspiration Board

Always begin with inspiration. Put a bulletin board next to your closet and pin up the looks you love from magazines and articles. Identify the key trends you want to emulate, and look for the pieces you already own that closely resemble them.


k for "Trend Pieces"
Shop your closet for "trend pieces," then pair them in new ways with you already have to create new outfits. Try tying a scarf on a basic bag, or adding snazzy clip-on earrings onto a basic pump to jazz them up.

Organize by Type and Color
You can see your options much better when you organize your clothes by type and color. You won't feel so overwhelmed because you can compare items more easily. Put all your tops together from dark to light and do the same with your bottom pieces. Take a solid suit, ditch the bottoms and mix separates. Then start shopping!

Go into your Boyfriend's Closet

Want to get that sexy safari look without breaking the bank? Easy. Sneak into your husband or boyfriend's closet for a chambray shirt and a watch. You can also take old khakis, cut them or roll them up. Grab a pair of your old boots to highlight the style. Scrunch them down for a chic, summer boot look.


Edit down your items. Take the money from things that can be sold at consignment shops to buy new accessories that work with what you already have. Or buy classic pieces that can be paired with anything. A de-cluttered closet is key to seeing what you have to work with.

Spice Up Old Styles
Have fun with do-it-yourself projects. Red jeans are a hot trend this season, but can also cost a pretty penny. Instead of buying new, just grab a pair of your old white jeans that aren't so perfectly white anymore. Give them a new life with a little red dye, which you can buy at any drugstore. Pair with old t-shirt from your concert-going days and you've got a very hip, rock star look!