Zoo Provides Meat 'Popsicles' to Keep Big Cats Cool

On a hot day, an ice pop hits the spot perfectly. Big cats at a zoo in Italy are enjoying their own version of the perfect summertime treat, but theirs is made with meat.

The BBC reported that the zoo's employees at the Bioparco di Roma zoo in Rome made large frozen balls of meat for the animals, which apparently spent hours enjoying their treats.

The meat popsicles are helping the animals beat the heat wave that has been sweeping Italy this week.

Other animals, including monkeys, were served yogurt and fruit such as cantaloupe and watermelon, according to ANSA, Italy's news service.

Bioparco di Roma zoo director Paul Giuntarelli said employees have also set up additional fountains and pools to keep the animals refreshed and "help fight boredom," ANSA reported.