Infographic: How to Drive Better Brand Engagement on Twitter

Tweets under 100 characters get 17% higher engagement than longer tweets. Infographic shares more tips on how brands can better connect with Twitter users.

Twitter’s new pricing plan charges $5 a month to use vowels? They’re trying to encourage us to write more efficient tweets?? Nice April Fool’s joke, but as this week’s infographic shows, tweets under 100 characters long actually do drive higher brand engagement (+17%) than wordier ones. It offers lots of other insights into how brands can better connect with Twitter’s 200 million active users, such as the best times of day to reach them and the value of using hashtags and links in brand tweets.

Here are some highlights:

  • Brand engagement is 17% higher on Saturday and Sunday, but only 19% of all brand tweets are posted on the weekend

  • Tweets with one or two hashtags have 21% higher engagement than those with three or more

  • 92% of engagement with a brand’s tweets are through link clicks

Jmp, I mean, jump on over to check out the entire infographic.