Infographic: Millennial Moms are Connected, Influential, and Misjudged

42% of moms ages 18-34 say that most advertising and marketing isn’t geared to them

Kids complain about being misunderstood, but according to this infographic, Millennial moms could say the same thing---especially by marketers. That’s too bad, because Millennial moms make up 22% of the total mom population in the U.S., numbering about nine million. Plus they’re very connected and highly influential in both their online and offline markets. Based on a study by Weber Shandwick, the infographic shares insights into the experiences and behaviors of Millennial moms that can help marketers reshape how they approach and engage with them.

Here are some insights on Millennial moms:

  • 30% are employed fulltime and 35% are self-identified homemakers

  • 33% are the biggest contributor to the household’s income, vs. 26% of total moms

  • 42% say “most advertising and marketing isn’t geared to women like me”

  • They average 17.4 hours a week on social networks, vs. 13.4 hours a week for total moms

  • They recommend products online 10.4 times a month, versus 7.7 a month for total moms

See the full infographic after the jump. For another view on the habits and preferences of today’s connected moms and how to market to them, see our global study titled "Brave New Moms: Navigating Technology's Impact on Family Time."