Infographic: The Top 10 Factors that Influence Online Purchase Decisions

62% of shoppers research big-ticket items in stores before buying them online. Here are more insights into what turns Web shoppers into buyers.

It’s the biggest mystery in marketing: What moves shoppers to actually make a purchase? To answer that question, this week’s infographic collects data from several studies to give us the top 10 factors that influence buying decisions; the most important features for stores; and how the Web and social media can convince shoppers to loosen their purse strings. Marketers can use these findings to shape their campaigns, tweak their websites, and leverage social media to turn lookers into buyers.

Here are some highlights:

  • 81% say friends’ social media posts directly influenced their purchasing decision

  • 64% of smartphone shoppers are hunting for electronics; 57% for groceries

  • 90% of tech shoppers say they watch videos of the products they may buy

For more insights into the hearts and minds of shoppers, check out the full infographic.