Charlie Sheen: NBC interview ‘pure gold,’ ABC interview ‘slanted’

Celebrity gossip site TMZ set up a live-streaming interview with Charlie Sheen Monday afternoon following his widely talked-about interviews earlier that morning on the "Today Show" and "Good Morning America." At one point, TMZ's correspondent asked the unhinged star whether he was unhappy with the coverage.

"It's on me," Sheen replied. "I re-entered an arena and I expected something else. I had an expectation and the result was not something I thought it would be, and that's on me. Whatever. Life goes on."

Alas, Sheen seems far more satisfied with one of the two dueling interviews.

"Jeff Rossen"--the NBC News correspondent who interviewed him for "Today"--"is a rock star. That interview was pure gold. The other one" -- set to air in full on ABC's "20/20" Tuesday night -- "the snippets I've seen seem a little slanted," said Sheen. "Maybe I just won't even watch it, because it just upsets me when I see this stuff."

You can watch an excerpt from the Jeff Rossen NBC interview below:

ABC News was already "apoplectic" that Sheen turned around and gave an interview to NBC after promising them exclusivity. These latest remarks seem like salt in the wound.