CNN gave most airtime to Egypt

Last week, as U.S. news coverage of Egypt intensified following the earliest reports that Hosni Mubarak would resign his presidential post, CNN devoted more of its airtime to the story than any other cable news channel--83 percent, versus MSNBC's 48 percent and Fox News Channel's 43 percent, according to the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellent in Journalism. (CNN, it should be noted, has more foreign bureaus and reporting resources than its competitors, which are watched more for their fiery talking heads on the left and right.)

But despite having arguably the most comprehensive Egypt coverage, CNN didn't claim a victory over perennial ratings champ Fox News, whose audience last week placed seventh in total daytime viewers and fourth in prime time on all of cable, according to Nielsen. CNN finished 27th and 29th respectively; MSNBC was 31st and 28th.