Media habits shifting thanks to ‘read later’ craze

As a regular user of Instapaper -- the long-form-friendly app that takes the webby formatting out of cumbersome articles and organizes them into a simple queue so you can slog through the text later on -- I can relate to the following data, compiled by the makers of a similar app, Read It Later, illustrating a shift in media reading habits.

The gist is that more articles are now being read in the evening, perhaps as iPhone and iPad users curl up in bed with their favorite devices:

"When a reader is given a choice about how to consume their content, a major shift in behavior occurs," according to the Read It Later folks. "They no longer consume the majority of their content during the day, on their computer. Instead they shift that content to prime time and onto a device better suited for consumption."

You can check out Read It Later's full study here.

[h/t @gillianmae]