Michael Musto’s love letter to Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann didn't thank Michael Musto in his closing remarks on the final broadcast of "Countdown" Friday night. Still, the longtime Village Voice gossip columnist published a heartfelt Olbermann appreciation after his appearance.

"For more than six years, I was a regular on your show, and from the start I felt we had a way more comfortable rapport than, let's say, Spitzer and whatshername," Musto wrote in a paean to the departing MSNBC anchor on Sunday. "You'd ask sardonic high-concept questions and I'd volley back with zany cracks and catty fantasias. And you never lost your poise or made me worry that our segments might flop, so I felt very safe in our world-mocking little bubble." Also: "Thanks for never naming me Worst Person in the World."

You can read the entire thing over at La Daily Musto.