Jon Stewart was right: Reporters are ignoring Ron Paul, analysis finds

As we reported on Tuesday, the Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul has been getting limited coverage from the news media, despite his second-place finish in last weekend's Iowa straw poll. Now there's some actual data to back that perception up.

As our colleague Chris Moody points out, an analysis by the PEW Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism shows that Paul is one of the least covered candidates in the race. (See chart below)

"From January 1-August 14, Paul has been a dominant newsmaker in only 27 campaign stories," according to the analysis. "That is less than one-quarter of the media attention generated by former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (120 stories), who is the top newsmaker among Republican candidates. And he has received 25 percent as much coverage as Bachmann, the Minnesota Congresswoman."

You can read more over at our sister blog, The Ticket.