Ron Paul continues assault on the media
Fresh off his second place finish in the New Hampshire primary, Ron Paul still found reasons to criticize the media's coverage of his presidential campaign.
"You know, it's pretty amazing how sometimes if you're in second place, they talk about the first and the third place," Paul told supporters at a campaign stop in West Columbia, S.C. on Wednesday. "But last night was a little different--they had a little harder time avoiding the real conversation."
And during another speech in New Hampshire late Tuesday, the 76-year-old Texas Republican zinged the media even more.
"There was one other acknowledgment I wanted to make," Paul said after thanking his family and assorted campaign staffers. "I wanted to thank the Union Leader for not endorsing me."
He continued:
We don't always get the coverage or the interest shown on what--what is going on, because if they did, they wouldn't--they wouldn't be ignoring so much of what we're doing. But, you know, I find it sort of fascinating when they finally get around--and this is different people, it could be in the media, could be our opponents, or whatever--but I sort of have to chuckle when they describe you and me as being "dangerous." That's one thing they are telling the truth, because we are dangerous to the status quo of this country.
The media hasn't exactly been ignoring Paul. On Sunday, Paul was forced to cut a campaign visit to a New Hampshire diner short after a mob of more than 100 reporters descended on the breakfast stop.
"We ask the press, at all upcoming events over the next day and a half, to be respectful of both Dr. Paul and of New Hampshire voters, who are entitled to examine their candidates in a safe and responsible atmosphere," Jesse Benton, Paul's campaign manager, said in a statement.
Later the same day, CNN's Dana Bash asked Paul about cutting out early from the morning's event. Paul blamed the press, and walked off, cutting the interview with CNN short. "This is junk," Benton said. "We're stopping."
On Tuesday, Revolution PAC, a super PAC supporting Paul's candidacy, called on CNN to remove Bash from covering the campaign.
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