Tech reporter Kara Swisher suffers mini stroke on trip to Asia, blogs about it

Kara Swisher, star technology reporter for the Wall Street Journal-owned All Things Digital website, says she suffered a mini stroke while traveling to Hong Kong for ATD's first international conference.

Swisher wrote that "a 14-hour plane flight sandwiched into a window seat with two big dudes sitting next to me, combined with a not-uncommon but undetected-until-now heart condition" led to her "transient ischemic attack," or mini stroke.

"Without going into the gory details, what I thought was jet lag and a bad migraine actually rendered me speechless for a few hours on Tuesday morning and in need of some serious medical attention," she wrote.
Swisher was hospitalized, but assured readers she is "doing great" and has "recovered all functions completely." She even posted a video from her room at Hong Kong's Sanatorium & Hospital. "I really am doing well and am as snarky as usual," Swisher wrote.

The conference, AsiaD, kicks off Wednesday night with an interview of Google Android chief Andy Rubin by Swisher's colleague, Walt Mossberg.

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