Daily planet: Up to $60 billion in US wartime contracts lost to fraud, waste

• Where's Gadhafi? Rebels say he may be in the Libyan desert town of Bani Walid. (Reuters)

• Libyan intelligence papers describe recent Gadhafi regime conversations with former U.S. diplomat, congressman. (Washington Times)

• August becomes the first month since the war began in which no U.S. troops were killed in Iraq. (New York Times)

• The New York Times scores an unreleased copy of the UN report on the May 2010 Gaza flotilla incident. (NYT)

• Syrian official in Hama resigns over the treatment of protesters. (New York Times' The Lede)

• Commission finds up to $60 billion in waste and fraud in U.S. wartime contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. (NPR)

• Kickbacks from U.S. contracts account for the Taliban's second-largest source of income, after drugs, commission finds. (CBS)

US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford puts Congress to shame. (John Limbert/TNR)