What Does Tina Fey Smell Like? Bobby Moynihan Answers That and More Tough 'SNL' Questions

"Saturday Night Live" cast member Bobby Moynihan dropped by to talk with his fans on Twitter. Moynihan, perhaps best known for his "Drunk Uncle" character, chatted about a variety of topics, including his preshow ritual, whom he'd love to see host the show, and the celebrities who left him starstruck. Oh, and we also learned what Tina Fey smells like.

@jdrudd asked Moynihan what he likes to do before each show. Moynihan answered that he likes to touch a photo of Michael Phelps, who served as host during Moynihan's first show.

Here's the photo...

And here's Michael Phelps explaining his special kind of diet...

While Moynihan has worked with many a talented host, there are a lot more he'd love to work with.

But of all the hosts and guests that Moynihan has worked with on "SNL," who left him the most starstruck?

Moving on to what the world really wants to know: What does Tina Fey smell like?

Behold, a miniaturized Tina Fey in the "Lolene" skit...

"Saturday Night Live" returns Sept. 28 on NBC.